Recording devices and why I hate them.

Hey folks, apologies for my recent extended absence. I have since completed school and earned my bachelor’s degree! So, what I am talking about today is recording devices, whether it is audio recording or video recording. I really dislike being recorded; it is a huge source of anxiety for me. Of course, there is a… Continue reading Recording devices and why I hate them.

Why it is important to diagnose selective mutism early.

Most of this list came from the selective mutism center’s website, which can be found here. This website has a lot of good information, so I recommend it. non-verbalizing becomes a habit over time: The sooner the treatment, the better the outcome. worsening anxiety, depression and other anxiety disorders: SM can wear a kid down… Continue reading Why it is important to diagnose selective mutism early.

Small Steps

Small steps are very important when dealing with selective mutism. It makes one gradually more comfortable around people, which lessens anxiety. In my case, I started whispering to one or two classmates who I felt comfortable around. I took another step and began whispering to my teachers. With my mom’s help, I made small goals… Continue reading Small Steps